Friday, April 30, 2010


I haven't had time to really sit down and blog about something for a while. When I get a free minute, I plan to express my feelings about the Disney Renaissance and Glee... But for now, I thought I'd post something really quick - just so no one forgets about this little ol' blog.

Here's some food for thought. Take a look at this yin-yang.

Now. Think about this:

When God first created "man," he created him in his image. God was androgynous... and Adam was like him -- perfect. When God felt bad for Adam and didn't want him to be lonely, he sought to create from him a companion. So, God pulled out Adam's rib and created Eve. It was when God pulled Eve out of Adam that we forgot what God looked like and fell from perfection into duality. Some folks say that we're joined like that (our androgynous form) in heaven -- then pulled apart, made man and woman when we're born. We spend our whole lives seeking to be reunited with our other half.

Just something to ponder. I'm not really sure where I stand in regard to the above paragraph, but I think it's an interesting (and very moving) notion - like the song "Origin of Love" from Hedwig and the Angry Inch. It's something that's been on my mind ever since I took a class on the Cosmogonic Cycle last term... Isn't it weird that all the religions and stories in existence, if dissected, are all essentially the same single story?

And... Like Adam's rib (and the yin-yang), we carry pieces of each other within ourselves. I think about that sometimes and it literally blows my mind.

Ciao for now.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I heard recently that Mexican food is America's fast food of choice. This statistic, fact or not, doesn't surprise me. There's no denying that Americanized Mexican food is quite delicious. Perhaps my favorite fast mex establishment is the McDonald's-owned Chipotle. Ever since my college chums and I set foot into that place my Freshmen year, I've been absolutely hooked.

A lot has changed since I first started dining there though... not with the restaurant, but with me. For starters, I don't flock there quite as frequently. Two years ago, I'd estimate I partook of their food at least once a week. Now, I'm lucky if I go once a month... and I don't order a big burrito complete with a 290-calorie flour tortilla like I used to. No. Instead, I choose something slightly lighter (though not by much).

When I eat at Chipotle these days, I get burrito bowl with pinto beans, chicken, tomato salsa, cheese, sour cream and rice. It's about a 650 calorie meal. All and all, around 13 weight watchers points. I make it my business to know all about calories and weight watchers points because, unlike my younger, more carefree self, I'm now on a diet. I don't drink Coca-Cola anymore either -- diet or otherwise. I've given up soft drinks for the most part in favor of that precious natural resource called water.

And the truth is... I feel better.

I'm not on some crazy weight loss fad. I don't try to eat only raw foods or anything intense like that. I just try to casually watch it. It's worked for the most part and even though I haven't taken off that many pounds since the initial few when I first started, I still feel good. My mood is lighter and I don't get as easily stressed. Yes. Starting to be aware of what I'm eating has been the best thing I've ever done for myself.

But sometimes I miss the good old days.

I miss the times my friends and I had just eating and shooting the shit. We would sit around the place for a really long time - mainly because it took so long to finish a burrito... It was bliss.

And lately I've been pretty nostalgic for those times. I don't know if I miss the tortillas and Coca-Cola or if I just miss the company. Growing up is difficult because as you move along down the road of life, you begin to see less and less of your friends.

I just want my pals to know that in the future, when we're graduated and separated, I'll think about them every time I devour a burrito bowl.

And I'll think about all the wonderful, scary, funny, sad, transcendent moments we had.

So, how do we know what's really good for us? Hmmm?

Sometimes the food you eat might not be too healthy for you, but the company you eat it in can do wonders for your emotional well-being. So, I'm going to challenge myself as well as you (whoever you are) to think about what's truly good for you.

Ciao for now while we figure it out.