Monday, October 25, 2010


Over the weekend, I saw NEVER LET ME GO -- an ambiguous movie about repressed clones whose sole purpose in existing is to donate their organs so that the rest of humanity can live disease-free. It's a brilliantly acted meditation not about the immorality of cloning or organ harvesting, but about the value of a person's life... and how to make the most of the short time that one is given. It's also an unrelenting sob-fest. Below is the trailer.

During the middle of the movie, I wanted to cry, but couldn't because the woman in the row behind me was sniffling so hard, I got distracted (apparently Roger Ebert had a similar experience). However, by the film's completion, I felt a huuuuuge gush of emotion come over me... and I couldn't really contain myself. I tried to hold it all in, but I ended up making a weird noise -- a mix between a gasp and a moan. My mother, who was also crying pretty hard, turned to me and laughed.

It was one of those movie experiences that will likely never let me go (pun intended).

Anyway, as I've been thinking about it the past couple of days, I've been recollecting other tearjerker movies that have had a huge impact on me... as well as my experiences with other big-time movie criers like myself.

The first movie I ever cried during was BEAUTY AND THE BEAST in 1991. I remember the tears falling down when the beast died at the end and Belle was all alone. I recall the feeling quite vividly. As a four-year-old, I was almost confused by it. Since that time (with the exception of some "dry" spells), it's been quite a wet and teary film-watching ride -- a ride for which I am entirely grateful. Why? Because despite a carrying a certain stigma, crying at movies is totally good for you...

Here's the basic gist of movie tears: you're not crying for the characters on screen, you're crying for yourself and the people you know. Don't believe me? Try it the next time you're watching a movie and feel the sniffles coming on. What's the image that pops into your head just before the tears fall down? Odds are, it's something to do with your life and your various relationships...

But it's okay -- this is what movies are good for. It's good to watch actors actualize grief... it helps us to actualize it within ourselves. It's good to see characters finally getting what they need... because it's like we're getting what we need. It's good to catch little glimpses of the truth... little hints of people's souls. It gives us hope for ourselves and the people in our lives. Not to sound really corny here, but it gives us a glimpse of our own souls.

Movies call attention to the things we don't say to each other in real life because we're too afraid. Fiction in general reveals the emotional truth of life and helps us to purge ourselves of feelings that have accumulated inside of us -- feelings that need to come out.

Bursting into tears in the middle of the street is not generally considered socially acceptable in American culture. But sometimes life and love and the world make you feel like crying the middle of the street. Fortunately, most of the time you're able to control yourself and keep it in check... but those feelings and those tears are still locked deep within you. Where do they go? Well...

The tears you refuse to cry during your everyday life come spewing out of you during THE GREEN MILE. And after you take a deep breath, even though you feel a little sad, you feel a great sense of relief because you've just disposed of all those pent-up emotions. That's catharsis... and that's why it's important to watch a "depressing" movie every once in a while.

How do people who refuse to watch sad movies rid themselves of their overwhelming feelings?

If you're a guy, screaming your head off at the NFL on Sunday and Monday might help you let off some steam, but... I think, whether you admit it or not, to prevent from having a wild outburst, even you need to shed some tears -- and films are the perfect protected outlet in which to do that.

People who refuse to watch sad movies are more likely to have some sort of breakdown. Note: this isn't proven in science... it's just my guess. Take it for what it's worth.

I want this blog entry to serve as my formal apology to those I've mocked when they've cried at movies. If I told you to calm down when you blubbered like a baby at TERMS OF ENDEARMENT, or if I pointed and laughed at you when you were still crying (even in the lobby) after seeing THE NOTEBOOK, or if I got into a fight with you because your incessant sniffling annoyed the crap out of me when we saw BABEL. I'm very sorry. Though I have sobbed at movies before, I didn't really know what you were going through until this weekend... when I experienced one of those explosive crying moments for myself.

If you're made curious by this blog entry and looking for a good tearjerker, I highly recommend IN AMERICA. I've known people who thought they were incapable of crying or in a dry spell (including myself) and then they watched this movie and were quickly proven wrong. Try it.

And keep crying those cathartic tears.

Until next time. Ciao.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Per a facebook chat with one of my besties last night, the self-realization that I live a very closed-off existence really hit home. We were discussing the latest episode of Glee - the song choices, the plot twists, who should get nominated for an Emmy. We just went on and on and on. Finally, my friend paused (yes, there can be dramatic pauses on facebook chat) and said something along the lines of:

Isn't it pathetic that we know so much and can talk so eloquently about this stupid little TV show, but when it comes to real world issues and politics, we have no clue what's going on?

This question actually really stuck with me.

Today, as I got on twitter and perused all my new tweets, I realized there's probably a reason we're oblivious and politically apathetic. Look at the people we follow on twitter -- celebs, friends, the Arts section of The New York Times...

We're not being fed any sort of substantial dose of real news. At least not in the way that older generations were fed the news -- y'know by flipping through a newspaper or turning on the TV to a national network? Unlike our parents, we're glued to our computers and smart phones. Network news? What's that? I'd wager most of us sit down and watch it maybe once a month... or less. This means our primary source of what's going on in the universe is twitter or facebook.

Theoretically, this wouldn't be such a horrible thing if we followed legitimate news sites, but the truth of the matter is that a lot of us don't. We are only in-tuned with people that share our interests and viewpoints, and for this reason, sites like twitter (if they are a person's primary source for what's going on in the world) are frankly a little dangerous.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not here to twitter-bash. Actually, I happen to be of the belief that twitter is the greatest thing since sliced cake, but...

I AM saying that our generation would do well to be a little cautious with how we use twitter and the like as our main source for news and politics.

Back in the day, if a sports fan wanted to read or find out about sports, he had to scour through a newspaper or sit through a newscast. While flipping through the paper, he was shown stories about crimes in his hometown and articles about fashion -- and even if he never read those articles, he was a better person for having been exposed to them. He was presented with ideas and thoughts that may have differed from his own. On some microcosmic level, this probably made him a little bit more open and tolerant.

These days, if a sports fan wants to know about sports, he follows ESPN and the National Football League on twitter -- and as a result -- avoids stumbling across local crime or fashion. It's all sports. All the time. No differing outlooks.

Okay. So, sports might not be the best metaphor.

But what happens if you're only exposed to and in contact with people that share your exact same viewpoints and interests ALL THE TIME? As a result, these viewpoints becomes reinforced and stronger, forming what politicos have coined an "echo chamber." Well, after so much time spent marinating in your own beliefs, how are you going to react when somebody comes at you with a differing opinion? This is one way in which extremist movements are started.

Life should be a dialogue, not a monologue. Conservative and liberal, fat and thin, rich and poor, we keep each other in check -- and it would be better if our twitter accounts reflected this more.

So, I'm going to follow my own advice -- and break out of my cloistered little universe by starting to keep up to speed with more legitimate news organizations. If you don't do it already, I urge you to do the same thing.

Maybe we'll learn something.

P.S. - This argument is not just about twitter. It also applies to specialty news channels like MSNBC and FOX's cable news. We shouldn't be plastered with THE SAME opinion all the time. We need a little bit of both for balance as there are always two sides to every story.

For now, peace and love.

And ciao.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Two nights ago I finished watching all of the movies on both of the American Film Institute's top 100 lists -- the one that was released in 1998 and the one that was released in 2007. This either makes me an expert, or a huge nerd with a lot of free time on her hands. I'd prefer to believe the former, but will also buy into the latter.

Anyway, I thought I'd celebrate the occasion by telling you about a handful of the truly awesome movies on the list. I'm not going to mention CASABLANCA, THE GODFATHER or THE WIZARD OF OZ. They've been analyzed to death. My purpose in writing this entry is to reflect on the five films that I've probably learned the most from -- movies that have inspired me and influenced the way I look at screen storytelling. It's also sort of a plea. If you haven't seen these movies, I think you should -- whoever you are. Though I can't imagine somebody having missed THE SOUND OF MUSIC. ;)

And we're off...

AMADEUS (1984)
In stories, every behavior or action leads to a certain consequence. That consequence is the story's theme. Vices lead to punishment, while virtues lead to reward. The theme of AMADEUS might be worded something like this - if you choose to destroy somebody else (vice), you will most certainly destroy yourself (punishment). The reason AMADEUS succeeds as a film is that its main character Antonio Salieri craves the downfall somebody else out of spite and jealousy. I think a lot of us harbor a secret desire that those who are more talented than we are, or more successful than we are, would just fail... or have their powers shut off. Feeling inadequate next to someone else is a tough situation to be in. AMADEUS teaches us that rather than lashing out at those who have more than we do, rather than seeking destruction, we should learn to respect our own attributes for what they are. If we constantly compare ourselves to others, we will almost always fall short. To love and get the most out of life, one should appreciate him/herself.

Stories that show us human vices and their subsequent punishments are essential for the world. How do we learn to take the higher, more noble road if we don't see the horrific and painful consequences that come with taking the lower, more corrupt one?? Sometimes in order to prove a particular idea, you first have to prove its opposite.

For example, if you fart in public, people will think you smell bad, so they'll stay away from you and, as a result, you'll have no friends; whereas, if you have good manners and go somewhere else to fart (like outside or to a bathroom), people won't have reason to dislike you and you'll have more friends. Now, which of these scenarios would you rather see a movie about? Somebody who farts in public or somebody who has the decency to go to the bathroom?

Yeah, I thought so. We love to learn from the vices of our movie characters... and while it's not about farting, AMADEUS definitely explores some pretty pathetic human flaws.

CABARET (1972)
For a movie musical to be believable, the harshest critics say that the song and dance numbers should be confined to a stage and/or to subconscious fantasies. They say it's not believable for people to just burst out into song in the middle of the street... and they're right. The reason CABARET is an amazing film is that it creates two separate story planes. One is reality -- Germany on the brink of Nazism and perhaps the biggest crime against humanity the world has ever witnessed; the other is a cabaret -- a subconscious night club stage... where the musical numbers occur.

CABARET taught me what a good musical is. In good musicals, the songs serve the traditional function of a Greek chorus -- commentating on the action that is occurring during the play. The songs drive the story's point home. In CABARET, the entire parallel musical universe exists to provide an ironic dictum on hatred and Nazism. They sing silly songs and do funny dances and preach that "life is beautiful..."

The greatest storytelling lesson that the film provides is this: when you make a statement like "life is beautiful," but with images on the screen show that life is volatile and inhumane, you're forcing your audience to examine things a little closer. You're forcing them dig deeper instead of accepting something at face value. Is life really beautiful? It might seem that way in the cabaret, but in reality... horrible things are happening.

A lot of great art awakens us to this fact -- it might seem all fun and games, but look closer.

People remember it as the only X-rated flick to win Best Picture. That's not what I remember. When I first saw this movie, I didn't see the grubby New York streets. I didn't see the male prostitution. I didn't see the dirt or grime. I SAW two lonely, tragic people in need of companionship. I watched them find companionship with each other... and I saw them both, despite the bleakness of their circumstances, become transformed and ultimately saved by their friendship. What more can you ask for in a movie, really? To me, a worthwhile story makes that statement that we as people save each other.

When you take the time to be my friend, you save me.

I mentioned this movie a few entries ago when I talked about unlikely heroes. I'll re-state the point I made then. Despite everything, despite who you think you are, despite all the bad things you've done, despite that it might cause you some physical pain, if you get up and do the right thing, you will redeem yourself... and maybe even save a few other people too.

That's it.

Getting up and doing the right thing is important and can change the world... and the extent to which your supporting cast chants this into your reluctant hero's ear is the extent to which your film will succeed.

Also, acting in films needn't be showy. The method works. If the actors on screen are feeling it ("it" being real emotions), we probably will too. Seriously, watch the clip below.

Simple. Clean cut. Amazing. Classics never die.

Forget the optimism, forget the catchy songs, forget the irresistibility of Julie Andrews, forget how you used to watch it over and over again as a kid. Sometimes we just need to get back to the notion of "learning to hear the music again..." And that's what this blissful, wonderful film is all about. We get caught-up in our own negativity and sadness and we forget to really squeeze the nectar out of life... We have to be re-awakened to the splendors again. Still need some convincing? Go back and re-watch the scene where after accusing Maria of corrupting them, Captain Von Trapp realizes that his kids can sing... I dare you not to tear up.

I can't tell you how much the song "Edelweiss" has transformed the way that I view storytelling. Flowers die, but then they're born again. It's all a process of growth and renewal. I think every story should have its "Edelweiss" moment -- where the cycle of life is acknowledged, where we realize our place as small pieces in the decidedly bigger game that is the universe.

Before there was "Circle of Life", there was "Edelweiss"...

Anywho, here were some of my honorable mentions in thinking about what movies to discuss:
Pulp Fiction, The Apartment, Rocky, City Lights, A Streetcar Named Desire, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Raging Bull, The Grapes of Wrath, Chinatown, Double Indemnity, Sunset Boulevard, It's a Wonderful Life, Singin' in the Rain, The Graduate, Toy Story, Do the Right Thing, 12 Angry Men, Titanic, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?...

And, of course, the aforementioned Casablanca, The Wizard of Oz and The Godfather.

Check it out for now:

And ciao.